Automated test systems for the automotive industry
The innovative thermographic inspection systems from edevis are in demand in the automotive industry in various fields: whether for inspecting forged parts for cracks, detecting hardness cracks in gears and racks, inspecting soldered seams for bonding defects, laser weld seam inspection in car body construction, inspecting carbon fibre structures in racing, coating inspection (e.g. of cylinders), contact pattern analysis of gears and much more. The processes are non-destructive (NDT) and can be perfectly automated, also ideally suited for inline inspection.
Automotive NDT in a nutshell
We customise your testing application to the point. In the automated process chain, reliability and speed are of the essence. Cycle times must be maintained, statements about material defects must be clearly defined. Pseudo-rejects must be avoided. Equipped with the latest machine learning algorithms, the non-destructive edevis inspection systems are ideally prepared for this.
Applications in the automotive industry
Inspection systems with active thermography are being used more and more frequently in the automotive industry. There are good reasons for this: thermography is a fast imaging method that can be automated very well. With the various types of excitation such as induction or laser, the method covers numerous applications: Crack testing, soldering and welding seam testing, layer testing, gear wheel testing, CFRP testing, testing of battery accumulators and all electronic components and more …