Inline testing systems and equipment for electromobility
New processes require new approaches in quality assurance. Thermographic testing systems can provide valuable services in the field of e-mobility. Whether components for bodywork, engine, drive, battery and all electronic components – the fields of application are so broad that all the methods we offer can be used. Whether in passive thermographic measurement of dissipation, contact resistances and heat conduction or in active thermography, such as testing coatings, joint connections, weld seams, electronic components and the battery or leak test of e-batteries.
eMobility testing systems in a nutshell
Active thermographic inspection begins where classic image processing reaches its limits: detecting very small structures in components, finding hidden interfaces, looking into the products, their composites, layers and weld seams, all this in a matter of seconds. That is why our thermographic inspection systems are predestined for inline inspections. Statements for material defects or quality deviations can be made with high selectivity. State-of-the-art learning algorithms meet the modern testing requirements of the e-automotive industry.
Applications of our eMobility testing systems
edevis test systems are already being used for testing or series production in many applications in the field of electromobility. Typical applications are in the field of energy storage (battery, fuel cell) and drive. In the field of batteries and fuel cells, the following properties are already being tested with active thermographic testing systems in series production or in test facilities: Testing for very small contamination particles (battery coating, separator foils), leak testing of containers or multilayer composite systems (fuel cell, battery), weld seam testing (contacts, terminals), adhesive joint testing (for strength, or to validate thermal conduction).